Pod Cast Interview-by Simply Soul Awakenings
https://www.buzzsprout.com/2095206/episodes/12636705# Adventures in the word of Spirit Journey of the Star Children Through Time An auto biography!The latest writing from best selling author, Sonja Christiansen. If you love true love stories with ghosts and out of body flight tossed in, you will not be able to put this book down. Journey of the Star Children, …
Welcome to our news letter! Connections By Sonja, KRMT Date: 11/15/22 Topic: Treasure Maps Sorry this is late, but you know life… Stuff happens! What is a treasure map? I see stuff on FB about making treasure maps. I don’t think there is any treasure where I live, so how do I make a map? …
Traveling Energy
Welcome to our blog Connections by Sonja, KRMT Date: 4/11/22 Topic: Traveling “Energy” How can what we visualize come true? Mark V. Austin, TX. Hi Mark, Welcome and thank you for your question. I would say It’s a matter of belief and concentration. Setting your intention, meaning strongly deciding what action you wish to take …