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By Sonja, KRMT Date: 10/31/22 Topic: Auras and energy

What is the connection between Auras and energy? Toby H. Belfast, Me.

Hi Toby! Thank you for coming into our space! I lived near Belfast growing up! The smell of the ocean and sound of the gulls squawking at each sand dollar they found was always amazing, even though it was no longer a working sea port, even at that long ago time! Thank you for your question, sorry this is so long, but its a long subject. (As I was answering your question I was “given” information of how and why. If it had been left up to me I would have just stayed with the colors. But Spirit intervenes more and more in my writing,. If I put this in two parts it would really get messed up.)

In former times pictures of saints etc, were portrayed with a halo. That was the way people of that time represented colors they could see or feel around people they believed were holy . There WAS something different about these people. People could pick up on their vibes and knew they were different from everyday people. They were rare, they understood energy and how to use it. Their thoughts and knowledge created a “different” light within that glowed. Another term for a halo was Gloria, you can hear that in older songs of worship. An aura is the same as energy. It’s just a different way of expressing what some people see, and most people feel, even if they don’t realize what they are feeling. Colors can be “felt” at times. I see auras as a thin line around a persons body. Sometime with sparks coming out. But I can tell the color by what I feel when I am around someone. It’s hard to explain. Aura pictures are often taken by a process call Kirlian Photography. Now -a -days they are taken by computer with a remarkable print out. Back in the day, it was a Polaroid camera with leads attached to it and a metal plate you sat on. (Like making a connection when you put batteries in a flash light) I had my finger prints done first. I was told to “feel” certain thoughts with each row. All the thoughts were negative in some way. You could see very little light. On the last row I was asked to think of someone I loved. The dull light around my finger tips changed to bright rays. That is the energy that emanates from you when you are feeling and thinking negatively or positively. This energy is real and can travel anywhere in the universe instantly because it is quantum. . When we offer a heart felt prayer, or a group goes into a positive meditation, the energy produced will flow where we direct it. It will effect the person or situation it was mentally sent to. Loving thoughts to others also bring up our own vibration and energy.

A few years ago I had an aura photo done of me. In this photo I had a reddish aura. This was during a time when I was in a very difficult life situation. I was upset, angry and fearful. The next one was more pastel and was was taken about a year after the first one. I had gotten through my difficulty and my life was more balanced and happy.


This is what we all look like, “without our skin!” Colors flowing like waves… Sometimes, we may see a flowing color that seems strange or scary to us, and there is no body attached. Often this is a departed loved one coming by to offer us love and encouragement or just to let us they are well and happy. This tends to happen as we are relaxed and starting to fall asleep, when we have started to let go of the cares of our world. ( Some call these apparitions ghosts, but that is another conversation,)

Our “colors or energy” always reach out to others, regardless of what our emotions are.

( Ever wonder where the words, green with envy, come from? When you are around an envious person, you can see and feel their aura as a yucky green! Really!) Most of us have never learned to be calm and allow our energy to “feel” the room before we go in or start a new activity with others that would enable us to get a “read” of the situation or feeling in the room. Our ancients knew this and lived in a focused way, seeing the earth, the heavens and all there was, as totally connected. Animals know this and you can see them taking stock of situations before they feel they can trust.

How we often feel, is directly related to how others feel around us. They pick up our vibes. We also pick up on others. Fear and upset begets fear and upset. Love and joy beget love and joy. We can choose. Even if we are having a crappy day, even if we have lost someone dear to us, we have the choice to find the good parts. When I lost by dearly beloved, of course I missed him… but I could say and truly mean it, he is no longer in pain and I am happy about that. When I think about him being free of pain, I am truly happy and I know others pick up on it. My sadness about life’s changes doesn’t effect them, because in my heart, I’m truly happy that he is NOT in pain. He drops by to say hi now and then. ( One of the benefits of being a medium is understanding and communicating with those who have crossed over.)

Energy Follows Thought…( We have free choice to change our thoughts and thereby change our situation.) Thought follows Intention and Focus. The keys of healing self and others are…

Intention, Love = Heart Energy

Intention, Positive Thinking = Our Mind

Intention and Focus = What We See in Our Minds Eye.

Intention= Visioning, The situation as complete and positive. Trusting The Outcome For The Highest Good.

These steps change the color of our auras and the vibes others pick up from us. As we focus on the positive we can actually change the quantum moment of atomic partials that make a positive difference in all living things around us. This includes our own health. As positive energy flows though us, our cells become healthier and healthier. Some vision themselves well and say, Every day I’m getting better and better in every way. One morning we may wake up and suddenly realize that we don’t hurt! Whoopie!! We ask ourselves, “Will I feel like this tomorrow, and the next day and the next”? Our words and our beliefs effect every particle of us, seen and unseen. What we believe about our selves becomes a reality over time. Often negative thoughts come from things or statements others imposed on us when we are very young. But as adults we can use the same process to change everything. The word quantum means multi – dimensional. When scientist speak of working with quantum particles, they are saying that this particle, that you can not see with your naked eye, has many dimensions. Their action and reactions are changeable depending on circumstances. That’s the best simplified explanation I have . Physics is the study of how things move and connect with each other. Quantum Physics is , in layman’s terms, the study of invisible to the eye things that move,including thoughts and beliefs that affect us and our world and have different proprieties working together. There! Got that? ( smile) It doesn’t matter if we do our not, it all works together even if we do not have a clue. Many things in our world are considered to be in another dimension. We have heard these words for years in comic books , Star Wars, and Star Trek, among others. Not far fetched. But an understanding that there are many moving things unseen to the eye that are always around us and interacting. There is an amazing book written by Dr. Wayne Dyer,1990, You Will See It, When YOU Believe It! A positive and sensible read. We have the power to change situations by how we use our energy. A passed loved one that you just KNOW is around , is in another dimension, out of body, that we can not necessary see, but we can communicate with each other, we can feel them. We are energy. Energy IS. It is never destroyed, it only changes form. So when we speak of auras, energy, healing energy, meditation, prayer, etc, we are speaking about energy moving to and from other dimensions that we can connect with. Our human mind can not comprehend, at this stage of our development, what or how our Creator created everything we know and everything we don’t know, and how it all works together to make all of the universes. Not only the physical, but the emotional and spiritual as well. Even if we can not see or understand how it all works together. We are one… with everything believe it or not! Prayer starts as a desire, a thought that is moved with the energy of our heart, and transmits by our thoughts, feelings and intention. It creates change in the same way because energy is alive and part of us, our Creator, and our universes. . We are multi-dimensional. We just have not really been taught that yet… but we are coming into that reality. When we pray or consciously send a thought to another, we could say we are using the multi dimensional universe to communicate! Our Earth and its people are changing. As we move through this time, we will come to the understanding that our choices come from with -in. We can choose how to set our intentions to positive and caring, if we wish. The more people that can focus on positive outcomes the faster positive change will be created.

Understanding some things happened for reasons we do not understand, because we may not, in our position as human beings on earth, always able see the full picture. We are linear beings, in a multi- dimensional universe.

It’s all in our book! Journey of the Star Children Through Time!Avail. at all large book stores.

Always remember Energy is! It is never destroyed, it only changes form. Now you have skin and now you don’t, but you are always alive, just different! (smile) Life is amazing and so much more then we ever think!

( I often speak of science because it is part of everything. Research proves we are one and totally connected to each other, as our scriptures around the world tells us. Once we can all understand that there will be total peace because we will finely understand we are one. As we grow in understanding we will all be able to see and feel each others colors….)

Keep well, offer a smile every day no matter what!

Sonja, Healing Focus

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