
Welcome to our News Letter CONNECTIONS

by Sonja KRMT Date: 10/17/22 Topic: Healers

Healers Unaware….

Lots of talk ’round about healers lately. “ They are nuts, no such thing, Wow ! That’s wonderful! My Uncle does that too! How can that stuff be done for real? Gotta be fake! Nope, not me I don’t have any kind of skill and it’s silly anyway. I’m a healer, I can help people”. So what is it really? Why is there so much disagreement? Being someone who uses different kinds of energy to help people, my self, I know this is real. People have been using concentration and energy to help others heal on all levels since the beginning of time. What is it really? Something regulated to mystics, church people, hucksters?

This is the bottom line as I see it. Well, this may not be the only bottom line, and I admit I do need glasses at times. But after years of working with energy and teaching steps toward healing, I have learned it’s really very simple, and all of us have the capacity to be healers and make a difference in our world. We have free choice to behave or not in ways that are appropriate for the world we live in. We also have free choice to follow the belief systems of our families or cultures. Our creator does take issue with what we have been taught over the millennia, about how God or creation came about, nor does the Source take issue with so many different ways of belief that so many of us have been taught. We are all striving for the same thing, to understand and experience the love of our Creator. As long as we worship this energy from our heart, it does not matter. The Source understands the creation that “He” made, and understand us as nothing else can. Our Creator is pure love, beyond measure. ( I felt this in my “Near Death Experience”, and never forgot it.) The Source is with-in us, as well as with-out. When we offer a kindness from our heart, it is moving the Creator energy into an energy form that can be directly felt by others. It changes their energy to a positive place with in them. There are over 3000 different religions in the world. The majority worship one Creator. Who are we to say any are not correct?

Sometimes we just have to put the puzzle pieces together so we can unlock the door. Some people believe that only God can heal. So for them that is correct. Others believe that God is part of us and we can learn to use our God given energy, heart and intellect to heal as well. Our Greatest Teacher told us that what he did, we can do also. So, that is correct for them. Some believe that angels guide us and do the healing through them. That is correct for them.

  1. Stay in your lane, if what you believe is working for you. What we each BELIVE guides our life. What we believe helps us move forward as we wish. Our Creator, by what ever name we use for this Power, is correct for us! Our Creator is so beyond what we can really grasp. Fussing about a name or holiday or how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, is a useless conversation. Stay on what you believe is the right path for you.


    1. We can ask our selves this question, what is the one thing that all humanity has in common? Yep, believe it or not we are ALL connected! We have been given the gift of feelings, and emotions. Every single person on earth has them. What do you think is the purpose of having this amazing gift? I think they are like directional singles that guide us through the fog of life. We feel, when we walk into a room, we get the “drift” of what is happening in the under current, when we make eye contact we have a “knowing,” of what is being felt or even perhaps thought of by the people we just connected to. We feel the sadness of losing a loved one. Because we feel, we know exactly how another feels. Would we knowingly want o cause another to feel that kind of pain? ( I know there are some who would say YES! In caps!.) But the majority of the whole world do not wish pain on others.


      3. We have all had hunches about a person and have gotten the “drift” that this person may make a good friend or the opposite. Or perhaps they have a health need that is not obvious. How? We picked up on feelings and energy. We have been doing this since before we were born. ( If our parents were having an augment or were being loving, we felt it before we were born. Some therapist feel that we could be dealing with these subconscious feelings now, from before we were born. )


      4. We all have feelings and we know that our feelings can be changed by what happens in our physical world,as well as our mental/emotional world. We all have times we scare the begebbers out of ourselves because of what we were thinking! We understand joy, love, ( the exciting new love, as well as the calm stable older love.) fear, pain, excitement, peace. We have all experienced every feeling at some time in our lives.


      5. So having said that, HOW? We all feel. We have experienced each one of these feeling one or more times is our lives. Most of us truly do not want to add a negative or fearful feelings to another. Something as simple as a smile, a hand on a shoulder, a kind word said like you really mean it, shifts the energies from low energy or pain to up liftment and positiveness. Just that small thing, anyone can do.

We may not have a clue about medicine, psychology or therapy, but we all know about feelings. We know ’em, ’cause we have ’em! We and our friends may have different belief systems, but we can all get along. We are energy. We feel this when we come into a room with others. We feel the subtle changes as situations around us change. We feel the power of world events, good, amazing, sad or horrible. How? Energy is part of us and all the universes and our Creator. The “thoughts” of our Creator are energy. Every thing in our universes are energy in different forms. Think of the tiny things that run our world, like atoms and electrons. They are energy and guided by energy. They have a job to do keeping our world and us running. Energy can never be destroyed, it only changes form. We can tap into our personal energy, and make changes in our lives and that of others without having to believe a certain way, or follow a certain path that may not be ours. When we step outside of our selves to offer a kind word, thought or action, we are moving healing energy, even if we are not aware of what we are doing. It automatically comes from our heart, often without ever thinking about the impact we may have towards another.

Even a small kindness, like opening or holding a door for another, letting someone ahead of you in line, dropping an actual hand written note in the mail, just saying, “I’m thinking of you”, can change someones day from depressing and sad, to happy and feeling loved, that someone cared enough to step out of the box for them. Little things we can affect everyday, just ’cause, makes a difference in our world. We have no idea how far the cascade of that small bit of energy thing we did, will travel to reach others and create positive changes and start a healing process. Each tiny positive thing we offer to another helps us change the energy of of the world, one photon at a time. They bring LIGHT.

Trust that we can and do affect others and can choose to share our energy in the most positive, simple, and healing ways, even if we do not understand exactly how. We may never be aware how we helped make a positive change in another. Every spark of love or caring begets another. We can choose to move our energy to affect others in a positive way, through our intention and belief. The same way we offer prayer. We are all healers if we choose to be. We all have the capacity, given from our Creator. Love always heals….

Keep well, with love, Sonja

PS…. The population of the earth is about 7,753 Billion. It only takes about ½ of 1% of people on earth, to show kindness and thoughtfulness to others to make a total change in earths energy, to create change in the full population of earth. That’s only about 78 million.

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