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Decoding Our Lives

by Sonja, KRMT Date: 6/13/22 Topic: Real Live Ghosts!

Several readers have been asking me about this visitation. So I have added a bit more and re-posting. Thanks for asking. I had no idea this would be so popular! Because of so many requests I have posted this on all my platforms.

It’s the first visitation I have seen, since I was much younger, although I have felt many. My grandfather came to me in full body one night over 20 years after he passed to tell me about a death the family. ( It’s in the book)

My husband passed two years ago. We were both involved in the healing arts for many years and meditated regularly. We knew since we were children that we could leave our bodies.
( It’s in the book)

Although I did receive verified messages from him while he was still in a coma, and FELT him near me as I was “channeling” him, as I finished working on our book, I never, knowingly saw any signs of him around, although, when I was looking for some of his notes and aggravatingly would say, “Where the H! did you put your notes!?” ( stomping my foot) A few minuets later a book would fall off the shelf with a thud, scaring the cat, and their were his notes! But I never “saw” anything. I wanted to put a quote of his on the back of the book. My mind was working on it like I was just chewing it up. I could not come up with the right words no matter how much I reviewed his work. Should I use this quote or that one ? What would he like? We had worked on the book off and on for nearly 20 years before we got it to publishing. Even though I finished it, we worked on it together all these years. My mind was churning like an old spinner washer!

Our bed room is off the bath room, We had taken the door off ages ago just in case one of us needed a wheel chair, we would not have to worry about getting into the bathroom. Laying in bed I could see the sink and that side of the wall to the ceiling in the back of the room. Dawn was just starting to bring on the day when I woke. I saw a white, soft glowing, fuzzy, orange size orb in the corner of the ceiling by the window. I figured it was my eyes, seeing as it was not yet real daylight. I closed ’em and drifted off. I woke up up a few minutes later, it was still pretty darkish out. I could see the fuzzy ball was still there, but it had moved about 2 feet closer, still along the edge of the ceiling and the wall. . I was curious. I could not figure out what it was. I kept rubbing my eyes. It was still there! Then it started slowing moving along the top of the wall again…. I got up and turned on the bathroom light. NOTHING! Now, I was sure it was my imagination! I went back to bed and could still see it! But now it had changed into an amoeba! Wiggling along the top of the wall near the ceiling… I watched it, trying to figure it out. Now I have a wiggling fuzzy amoeba slowly making its way toward my bedroom! As I watched it trying to figure it out, it actually got to the corner of the bathroom and bed room! I had both wide eyes trained like a laser on the fuzzy thing! Still trying to figure it out. It got to the corner and suddenly changed to silver rings, three of them. They spread out as if you had tossed a stone into a still pond, silver concentric circles came toward me like a flash and as they rushed right at me with the speed of light, turned into an ocean wave! My breath sucked in hard, I had to grab myself to see if I was actually wet! It was that real! I felt shocked, not a bad shock, the kind you might feel from someone you are close to when they turn and kiss you unexpectedly, and you know exactly what is meant!

Instantly the words came into my head. I knew exactly what words he wanted me to put on the back cover.

It took a few weeks for me to figure out what the fuzzball meant.. Some times I’m brain dead! His name is ED. But his nick name is Fuzz. He has a huge sense of humor and thrives on silliness and laughter. When we were were together just fooling around I used to tease him and call him Fuzz Ball! The Fuzzy ball in my bathroom, the wave coming in… goes back years. But it was the one thing that I would know was absolutely him, not in my head or something else. He knew it too! He knew I would absolutely know it was him!( Just because I’m a Medium, does not mean I always pay attention to stuff. If you live and function is this world, you can’t always keep the spicket open.) He had done something like this years before when we were still at opposite ends of the country. He was walking on the beach and I was at the other end of the country. I was resting, and suddenly the wall opened up and ½ the Atlantic ocean came through my wall and scared the crap out of me! I actually jumped up in a fright, I felt soaking wet and could taste the salt water in my mouth! The story is in the book..Chapter, Jumping Face. ( Yes, he could meditate that deeply!)

I consider that a visitation from him. It exactly fit his sense of humor. Some would consider that a ghostly visitation. Nope. I see it as his mind, energy and love coming through to communicate with me in a way that I would get it! We are energy. We never die. We just change form. We still are, and can still communicate, if people understood how to listen, and that we communicate differently from the other side of the vale. We have been taught to be fearful of death. In many instances we may taught that if we do anything wrong, God will Fry is, for ever and ever. That teaching is not accurate. Fuzz said, in a validated message to me, “If he had known how wonderful it was there,he would have left sooner”. He said he was learning so much! He was a regular human man, not perfect. But he was joyful at what he found. Nothing like he had been taught to believe. His fear of dyeing left and he found joy.

Be well and fear nothing. Everything is transitory. We are always loved no matter what. Do not ever believe anything different.. WE ARE LOVED ALWAYS! Even if we mess up badly, we are loved.

I have published this on all my platforms….I know I have different readers on different platforms, But felt this was a connecting piece for everyone. Hugs and love S.

( What is the one thing everyone in the world WANTS? More then food, gas or money? Love. With Love you can do or deal with anything…It brings up our vibrations so we can have the courage we need to keep going in difficult times. Even a simple thank you from the heart shows love… pass it on.

You are welcomed to comment.

Keep well, Ask and believe and you will get exactly what you need. Hugs , Sonja, Healing Focus

Journey of the Star Children Through Time.

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